Author/Artists: Kelly Sue DeConnick/Dexter Soy, Emma Rios
Series: Captain Marvel Vol. 1
Summary: Ace pilot. Legendary Avenger. One hundred percent pure bad-@$$. Carol Danvers has a new name, a new mission--and all the power she needs to make her own life a living hell. As the new Captain Marvel, Carol is forging from a challenge from her past!
It's a firefight in the sky as the Banshee Squadron debut--but who are the prowlers, and where has Carol seen them before? And how does secret NASA training program Mercury 13 fit in? Witness Captain Marvel in blazing battlefield action that may just change the course of history! Avengers Time Travel Protocols: engage!
Why I read it: I've been dying to get into some more Marvel comics, and especially ones with badass female protagonists, so I snatched this up at my local comic book store!
Thoughts: Oh, how I love thee, Carol Danvers.
Since this is a Marvel Now! title, it is a perfect introduction to Carol Danvers, who was previously known as Ms. Marvel. We first see Carol doing her thing, working with Captain America to bring down a villain, so we are thrust into the action. But this is just a day's work for Carol. Then the real adventure begins. The story arc fits perfectly in this first volume, and it is SO much fun. Carol is such a badass woman and superhero, but she's also a fully developed character. She has her weak moments, but she learns to overcome them. The time-travel story is completely engrossing, and I had very few problems following along. The best part about this volume is that since it is a relaunch, we are treated to some backstory and origins of Carol's powers alongside the main story. So it's a perfect time to jump on the Carol Danvers wagon if you haven't already!
The one thing I will mention is that the artist changes in the middle of the volume, and it was a little jarring. I had expected to love Emma Rios's art style, so I was put off by Dexter Soy's style at first. But I admit that once Soy's issues gave way to Rios's, I discovered that I much preferred Soy, so I'm glad to see that Soy is back in Volume 2.
Rating: 5/5 stars

Author/Artist/Colorist: Kieron Gillen/Jamie McKelvie/Matt Wilson
Series: The Wicked + The Divine Vol. 2
Why I read it: DUH. The Wicked + The Divine was my favorite graphic novel I read in the the first half of the year, so I had been waiting for the second volume for what felt like FOREVER.
Thoughts: AHH. That was insane and wonderful and made me love this series even more.
I really can't even say much about it because I have few words. The characters are still fabulous, and I loved getting even more in-depth with them. Baphomet quickly turned into one of my new favorite characters, and can you blame me? The underworld god is pretty sexy! The ending, much like the first volume, left me on such a cliffhanger that I can't wait for more! And I can't even get into what this series does to me emotionally. (Just to give you a clue, I clutched this to my chest and just sat there for a good five minutes after I finished this volume.)
The art style of Jamie McKelvie remains one of my favorite aspects of this series, so I'm a little apprehensive about the upcoming issues and Volume 3. Each of the new issues will focus on a certain god, and each one will have a different guest artist. So I'm hoping that I enjoy the art styles of these new illustrators, because I certainly love where the story is going!
Rating: 5/5 stars
Title: International Flavor
Author/Artist: John Layman/Rob Guillory
Series: Chew Vol. 2
Why I read it: There are a ton of volumes of Chew out already, so I've decided to just pick it up a volume at a time every time I go to the comic book store. So before I pick up next volume, I thought I should read this one!
Thoughts: Just as much fun as the first volume, and the plot is thickening!
Much like the first volume, the story is still being set up and all the players are still being introduced, but the main story arc is getting juicier! I really enjoyed the return of Tony's former partner, John Colby. I have a feeling I'm really going to love his character as the series progresses. And it's nice to see Chow and Amelie again with increasingly larger roles to play.
This is still super gross, but the story and especially the humor completely makes up for it. The art is always fun and engaging, and I always make sure I've checked the backgrounds of the panels for fun extras like signs on the wall. They're easy to miss, but they might give you another chuckle. I can't wait to read more!
Rating: 4.5/5 stars
Tell me: have YOU read these graphic novels/comics yet? What were your thoughts? Let me know in the comments below!
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